
This class is held online (Zoom) on October 30th 2020.


What is Teriyaki Hamburger Steak?

Japanese hamburger steak is a popular yoshoku (western-style food) dish, both for making at home and eating out. The hamburger is juicy and is generally served with a savory sauce.


What’s on the menu?

  • Hamburger steak
  • Teriyaki sauce
  • BBQ sauce
  • Japanese carrot glace


What’s included in the price?

  • Introduction to the dishes
  • 1.0 hour online cooking demonstration
  • Recipe for cooking at home


How will the class be conducted?

The class will be conducted online through Zoom. We will share the Zoom meeting URL in advance.

Cancellation policy

We do not accept cancellations after settlement. If you cannot attend the lesson we can share the recipe.

October 30 @ 18:00
18:00 — 19:00 (1h)



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